
By Staff, Agencies Iran has successfully sent into orbit the domestically-developed Chamran 1 research satellite, registering another impressive stride in the country’s space program. In the early hours of Saturday, the satellite was put into orbit at an altitude of 550 kilometers [341 miles] above the Earth’s surface onboard a homegrown Qaem-100 space launch vehicle [SLV].

Qaem-100 is a three-stage SLV with solid fuel developed by the Aerospace Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards [IRG].

Several hours into the launch, the Iranian research satellite sent its first signals.

Chamran-1 satellite has been designed and manufactured by Iranian technicians at the space division of Iran Electronics Industries [SAIran], a state-owned subsidiary of Iran’s Ministry of Defense, in conjunction with experts at the Aerospace Research Institute [ARI] and private knowledge-based firms.

Weighing approximately 60 kilograms, the primary mission of the Iranian research satellite is to test hardware and software systems for orbital maneuver technology validation.

The satellite also has secondary tasks, including assessing the performance of cold gas propulsion subsystems in space systems, and performance evaluation of navigation and attitude control subsystems.

Despite sanctions imposed by Western countries in recent years, Iran has taken giant strides in the civilian space program.

The country is among the world’s top 10 nations capable of developing and launching satellites

Original Article Source: Al Ahed News | Published on Saturday, 14 September 2024 12:43 (about 180 days ago)