
Protesters flooded the streets of Washington, DC, on Wednesday, denouncing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to US Congress.

The demonstration, which included thousands of participants, featured signs calling for Netanyahu's arrest and an end to US aid to ‘Israel’.

Chants of 'Free, free Palestine!' and 'Arrest Netanyahu!' could be heard as protesters rallied against what they see as Israel's brutal actions in Gaza.

Demonstrators had planned to block Netanyahu's path to the congressional building, leading to arrests as police intervened to disperse the crowds.

Organizers claimed that six intersections leading to the Capitol were 'claimed by the Palestinian people.' Some protesters were even bused in from New Jersey to join the demonstration.

As Netanyahu delivered his speech to Congress, he faced criticism for his fabricated claims about the dangers of Iran and his vision for the Middle East.

Several lawmakers, including Vice President Kamala Harris, opted not to attend the address in protest.

Progressive Democrats have been particularly vocal in their opposition to Netanyahu, with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calling him a war criminal.

Despite the controversy in Washington, Netanyahu is scheduled to meet with former President Donald Trump in Florida on Friday, continuing his whirlwind visit to the United States.

Original Article Source: Al Manar | Published on Thursday, 25 July 2024 07:56 (about 44 days ago)