
TEHRAN, July 24 (MNA) – Turkish intelligence agency announced the death of one of the important leaders of the PKK in Sulaymaniyah City of Iraq on Wednesday.According to the Turkish intelligence agency, two of his companions were also killed during this operation.

Two days ago, the Ministry of National Defense of Turkey announced in a statement that it has killed 7 PKK elements in northern Iraq and Syria.

Under the pretext of fighting PKK terrorists, Turkey has deployed its troops in areas of northern Iraq and Syria and is conducting aerial attacks on parts of the northern areas of these countries.

Ankara has received widespread criticism from both Iraqi and Kurdish authorities in Baghdad and Erbil as well as the international community for violating Iraqi sovereignty under the pretext of fighting the PKK MNA/FNA1721811948174071680

Original Article Source: Mehr News | Published on Wednesday, 24 July 2024 11:46 (about 85 days ago)