
TEHRAN, September 23 (MNA) –  The foreign ministers of Russia, Iran, and Turkey - reaffirmed their determination to continue efforts to help resolve the situation in Syria at a meeting on the sidelines of a UN General Assembly session."The parties had a thorough exchange of views on the situation in the Syrian Arab Republic and around it with a focus on the need to ensure lasting stability in the country.

In this regard, the key role of the Astana group was highlighted and the three countries’ determination was reaffirmed to continue joint efforts to contribute to resolving the situation in Syria based on strict compliance with the principles of respect for its sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity," the statement reads, TASS reported.

According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the parties also highlighted "the need to mobilize foreign aid to Syria, particularly to ensure its post-conflict reconstruction and promote the return of Syrian refugees to their home country." The ministry noted that the three foreign ministers had also held consultations with the UN secretary general’s Special Envoy For Syria Geir Pedersen.

"They discussed ways to promote the political process led and owned by the Syrian people with the assistance of the United Nations.

The parties paid attention to the need to ensure the effective activities of the intra-Syrian Constitutional Committee, and considered issues related to the provision of humanitarian assistance to all Syrians in need in accordance with the norms and principles of international law," the Russian Foreign Ministry concluded.


Original Article Source: Mehr News | Published on Saturday, 23 September 2023 05:27 (about 391 days ago)