
Translated by Al-Ahed News, Hezbollah Media Relations The political excerpt from the speech of Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on the seventh day of Muharram 1446 AH [07-13-2024]. Today, what is happening in Palestine and Gaza is one of the clearest examples.

Some people consider it a political issue.

However, to us, this matter is ideological and religious.

As we said during all previous nights, we will be asked about it on the Day of Resurrection.

There are some people whose culture of life only includes this world.

This is their business.

Let them sort themselves out on the Day of Resurrection.

But we care about our hereafter, and we care about the Day of Resurrection, and we want to know how to answer God on the Day of Resurrection.

If our position is correct and aligned with the truth, it will be honored on the Day of Resurrection.

If it isn’t, we will have to answer difficult questions and face reckoning on the Day of Resurrection.

Therefore, this is a clear issue and a clear injustice.

As we said before, this right is clear and bright like the sun in the middle of the day.

There has never been an oppression like the one the Palestinian people are going through, especially these days.

At some stage, some people might have come under worst oppression.

But from October 7 until today, the oppression of the Palestinian people takes precedence over any other oppression.

With what logic did the “Israelis” carry out a massacre and bomb an area full of tents and rooms, killing and wounding hundreds with the pretext that they had information that Hamas leaders were present in this place? Is there anything more permissible than this? Is there anything more disrespectful to the blood of people, especially Muslims, than this? Is there more injustice, tyranny, superiority, and corruption on earth than this? Is this an argument? This is happening in front of everyone.

This is clear to everyone.

In the face of such an issue, it is your responsibility to care.

You cannot say that it is not your concern.

You cannot not hear, know, or receive news.

You will be asked on the Day of Resurrection.

Firstly, you must know and care, and secondly, at the very least, you should have psychological and emotional empathy.

You should feel their pain and sorrow and grieve with them.

That is why I said on the first night, whoever does not care, does not feel sad, or despairs… You are not fighting for them, but at least, sympathize with them.

They tell you, “We are sympathetic.” You are sympathetic! Yet you live in luxury, extravagance, joy, amusement, and entertainment.

You spend millions of dollars and tens of millions of dollars, and you say you’re sympathetic.

How are you sympathetic? You are lying to us.

Can you lie to God Almighty and tell him that you were sympathetic to the people of Gaza? With the oppressed in Gaza? There should be psychological and emotional sympathy.

After sympathy comes prayer.

Can you not do anything? You can pray for them.

There are two billion Muslims on the planet.

Can’t two billion Muslims do something? Do you pray to God for the people of Gaza, the people of Palestine, and the people of the West Bank or are they not included in your circle of care and attention? At the very least, you should pray for them.

Third or fourth is the media and political position.

The least you can do is express your position, say that you condemn this aggression and reject it.

You are not throwing a stone or firing a bullet or a missile.

Just take a position, a media and political position.

Express it in a statement, a speech, an interview, an article, a demonstration, or a sit-in.

However, remaining quiet, they will be asked about it on the Day of Resurrection.

In other words, whoever can express a position and not express it will be asked on the Day of Resurrection.

Moral and psychological support is better than declaring a position.

For example, what the Yemeni people do every week.

In fact, this is not the issue of the Red Sea or the Arabian Sea.

There is a weekly popular demonstration, millions or hundreds of thousands take to the streets in the cities in winter in the cold and under the scorching sun and heat.

One might ask about the purpose of these protests.

Of course, there are many arenas to do this work.

We can be forgiven for not holding demonstrations because we have opened the front, and there are martyrs and wounded every day, missiles every day and confrontations every day.

In other words, what is better than that? What is the purpose of these demonstrations [in Yemen]? They constitute a moral, psychological, and emotional support.

People won’t feel abandoned.

We know since we’ve experienced this as we are in the cusp of the anniversary of the July War.

During the July War, when we saw on TV that people in countries in Europe and Latin America were demonstrating and raising Hezbollah slogans, the fighters and people [in Lebanon] were revived.

It is true that the demonstrators were not fighting, but there is no doubt that any demonstration, any sit-in, or any meeting constitutes moral and psychological support.

You can do this, and if you do not do it, you will be asked about it on the Day of Resurrection.

There is another form of advanced support which is financial assistance, giving money.

Today, you can do this.

These people are besieged and starving.

We do not know the exact number.

50 or 60% of the homes are demolished; the infrastructure is demolished.

The enemy has imposed very harsh conditions.

God willing, a time will come, and the war will end.

If governments have failed the Palestinian people, does this mean the Islamic peoples do not have a responsibility to help the people of Gaza in rebuilding Gaza? We all have a responsibility in this matter.

Who can give money to Gaza, its fighters, its resistors, and its people, and there is the possibility, in one way or another, then it is his responsibility to provide money, to deduct a portion of his money to give it to Gaza and the people of Gaza.

Meanwhile, the highest form is for you to be part of the battle, to fight alongside them, to fight in their defense, to fight to relieve the pressure on them, to fight to push the enemy to choose the option of stopping its aggression against them.

This is our duty; this is not a favor or kindness.

I heard some of the Palestinian brothers thanking us and saying that Hezbollah has done us a favor.

This is favor, and we will not forget it.

There is no problem.

This is not a favor or kindness.

On the contrary, this is our duty.

This is our duty, and if we do not fulfill it, we will be held accountable on the Day of Resurrection.

This is the basic, authentic, prophetic, religious Islamic culture.

Therefore, if we truly want to belong to our Prophet, religion, our Islam, our Qur’an, our prophets, then we must bear responsibility towards the people, towards the oppressed, towards those being assaulted, and especially in front of an enemy that is a usurper, an occupier, an aggressor, a criminal, a racist, and savage.

Not to cause confusion, here we are talking about supporting the oppressed people, the Muslims that are being attacked.

However, if there is an oppressive, aggressing, criminal, and brutal group or faction, even if they are Muslims, we have no responsibility to support them.

Perhaps, it is our duty to fight them.

It is not a tribal or sectarian issue.

It is not because they are Muslims, we should help them.


On the contrary, if there is a group of Muslims that are slaughtering, killing, cutting open chests, and eating hearts and livers, then it is not our duty [to help them].

Rather, it is forbidden for you to support them, and perhaps your duty is to fight them as well.

But when we talk about oppressed and abused people, which we said is a clear statement and undebatable, which is Palestine and Gaza and what is happening these days, the issue is clear to us.

Accordingly, this is our position and background, the intellectual background, the cultural background, when it comes to this matter.

What is the background of the Lebanese support front in the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood? This is its intellectual, cultural, religious, legal, jurisprudential, and religious background – we are not only responsible for ourselves and our families, but also for other people.

This is taking into account our capabilities and energy and to a large degree, the national interests as well as field action that supports, helps, pressures and influences.

What we’ve done so far was within the circle of capabilities and energy, and we remained within that circle.

If we do not do that, we will certainly be asked about it on the Day of Resurrection.

Whoever applauds us for failing or abandoning will not help us on the Day of Resurrection.

Let them help themselves first on the Day of Resurrection.

They will not intercede for us on the Day of Resurrection.

This is our faith, belief, and religious background, but as I said, the blessings of bearing responsibility are not only in the afterlife, even if our primary concern is the account of the afterlife.

God Almighty, the Generous, Most Merciful, and Most Generous, what does He give to those who bear responsibility in this world? He blesses them, blesses their jihad, their resistance, the blood of their martyrs, the wounds of their wounded, the pain of their families, blesses their sacrifices and gives them glory, dignity, victory, honor, liberation, and freedom in this world.

Isn’t this what we have witnessed over the past 40 years of the history of the resistance? We offered martyrs and took responsibility.

The martyrs were looking forward to being with God and to the Day of Resurrection.

In return, what did God Almighty give us? He gave us the liberation of our land, the liberation of our prisoners without any favor from anyone.

He gave us strength, deterrent power, reassurance.

He instilled fear and terror in the hearts of our enemies.

He gave us pride, dignity, honor, protection, and victory.

These are worldly results and blessings.

In the afterlife, the blessings of this battle that is being waged are like no other.

The bounties are for the Mujahideen, the resistance fighters, the martyrs, the wounded, the captives, the women, the men, and the tormented.

God has prepared for these patient and steadfast people bounties in that afterlife which no eye [has ever] seen, no ear has [ever] heard, and no human heart has ever perceived.

In this world, you will see the blessings of this steadfastness and resistance.

The blessings appear every day.

A strong “Israel” in our region is a threat to all countries, peoples, wealth, security, and dignity of the peoples of the region.

A defeated “Israel” in the region is a necessary and important condition for the future of our peoples, governments, security, and wealth in the entire region.

Where can these blessings come from? Through this behavior and this attitude.

We are the ones who emerged from the July 2006 war with our heads held high, proud, and victorious despite everything that befell us, the martyrs and wounded we presented, and the demolished homes, shops, livelihoods.

God willing, brothers and sisters, we will all emerge from the Al-Aqsa Flood Battle with our heads held high, tall, and victorious because this is God’s promise to the sincere Mujahideen and believers, God willing.

Peace be upon you, O our master and our chief, O Abu Abdullah, and upon the souls that gathered in your courtyard.

Peace of Allah be upon you from me forever as long as I am existent and as long as there are day and night.

May Allah not cause this [visit] to be the last of my visit to you [all].

Peace be upon Al-Hussein [Imam Hussein (AS)], upon Ali ibn Al- Hussein, upon the sons of Al-Hussein [AS], and upon the companions of Al-Hussein [AS].

May Allah’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you all

Original Article Source: Al Ahed News | Published on Monday, 22 July 2024 11:53 (about 87 days ago)