
At least one person has been killed and 16 others injured in a fire on board the Italian-flagged tanker Synzania in the Turkish port of Aliaga, western Izmir Province, petrochemical company Petkim said on Tuesday.

'At Petkim terminal at around 11:20 p.m.

(20:20 GMT), a fire broke out due to an unspecified reason while the Italian flagged Synzania vessel was being filled with liquid hydrocarbons.

The fire was quickly extinguished.

As many as 16 people were injured, one died in a hospital', the statement said.

According to authorities, Italian Roberto Montegurdia died in the incident.

At the moment there is no information about the cause of the blast.

Original Article Source: Al Manar | Published on Tuesday, 02 July 2019 12:05 (about 1934 days ago)