
Significant losses are being inflicted among Israeli occupation soldiers in Gaza as Palestinian resistance fighters engage in epic battles against forces hardly trying to secure military achievements in the besieged territory’s north and south.

Israeli occupation army admitted on Tuesday that 22 soldiers were injured in the last 24 hours, with 15 o them in Gaza battles alone.

On the 221st day of the war, the occupied territories have been still witnessing rocket fire despite the alleged Israeli aerial control of Gaza skies.

Al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ armed wing announced its fighters fired a barrage of rockets at Ashkelon, with Israeli media confirming the rocket fire.

Meanwhile on Tuesday, sirens sounded on Tuesday in Sderot in Gaza Envelope, Hebrew media reported, claiming that the Iron Dome defenses intercepted three rockets launched from northern Gaza.

Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad resistance group, claimed responsibility for the salvo of rockets fired at Sderot.

On the other hand, close-quarters battles have been taking place in the northern area of Jabalia and the southern city of Rafah.

Al-Qassam announced its fighters Israeli troop carrier and tank with Shawaz shells in Rafah’s Al-Salam Neighborhood and fired mortar shells at Israeli forces in Rafah Crossing.

Another Merkava tank in Rafah Crossing was hit with a Yassine-105 shell fired by Al-Qassam fighters, the group declared.

Al-Qassam also announced its fighters detonated a tunnel shaft in eastern Rafah as Israeli occupation forces approached the tunnel.

Elsewhere in Jabalia, Al-Qassam announced hitting two Israeli Merkavas and an Israeli military bulldozer in Jabalia Camp with Yassine-105 shells.

The group published video showing part of the clashes with Israeli occupation troops in Jabalia and northern Gaza Strip.

For its part, Al-Quds Brigades announced deadly ambush in Jabalia, where losses were inflicted upon Israeli troops who approached the gold market in the town.

An Israeli bulldozer was targeted in Jabalia Camp by Barq shell fired by Al-Quds Brigades fighters, the resistance group announced.

Al-Quds Brigades published clip showing an operation in which an Israeli soldier was sniped east of Gaza city.

Original Article Source: Al Manar | Published on Tuesday, 14 May 2024 15:47 (about 73 days ago)