
A Palestinian was martyred on Monday after being shot by Israeli occupation forces in Al-Khalil (Hebron).

Palestinian Health Ministry announced that Nassim Abu Fouda, 26, succumbed to wounds sustained after being hit in head by live Israeli bullet near a checkpoint in Al-Khalil.

Palestinian martyr in Al-Khalil
Palestinian Nassim Abu Fouda martyred in Al-Khalil. The martyrdom of Abu Fouda brings to 35 the number of Palestinians martyred by Israeli continuous aggression since the start of 2023.

Twenty of the Palestinian martyrs were from Jenin.

Meanwhile, Israeli occupation forces went ahead with a mass arrest campaign, with several Palestinians being arrested in several areas across the occupied West Bank.

Palestinian media reported that among the arrested there was a child and a Teen.

On the other hand, incursions by Israeli settlers at Al-Aqsa Mosque continued, with Israeli occupation forces securing the entrance of Zionist settlers to the holy compound.

Israeli occupation forces also demolished a Palestinian commericial facility in Jabal Al-Mukabbir and a house in Silwan in occupied Al-Quds.

Original Article Source: Al Manar | Published on Monday, 30 January 2023 09:48 (about 543 days ago)