
Israeli occupation forces committed on Thursday horrible massacre in Jenin, as they raided the city’s refugee camp and killed 9 Palestinians and injuring 20 others.

Palestinian security sources said that occupation forces raided the Jenin refugee camp early on Thursday, prompting clashes with resistance fighters of Jenin Battalion, the resistance group of the Islamic Jihad's Al-Quds Brigades which operates in Jenin.

Fierce clashes erupted as Palestinian fighters discovered an infiltration by Israeli special forces into the camp, the security sources added.

Palestinian Health Ministry put the death toll of the Israeli aggression on Jenin at nine, including an elderly woman, Palestinian media reported.

Twenty others were wounded in the raid, the ministry said, noting that four of the injured were in critical conditions.

Attack on Hospital Ambulances During the raid, Israeli occupation forces also attacked Jenin Governmental Hospital, and obstructed the work of ambulances, according to the sources.

“The Israeli occupation forces are surrounding the hospital, firing bullets and tear gas,” director of Jenin Hospital said, as quoted by Palestinian media.

“The situation in the Jenin camp is very critical, the occupation prevents aid to the wounded,” the Palestinian ministry said, adding that “the Red Crescent informed us that there are many wounded people and they are struggling to rescue and evacuate them.” The ministry also appealed to the United States and the international community: “If you don't act now in the face of the brutal carnage in the Jenin camp, when will you?” Palestinian Resistance Downs Israeli Drone Jenin Battalion announced its fighters heroically confronted the Israeli aggression, targeting occupation forces with intense barrages of fire.

Palestinian resistance fighters also downed an Israeli drone flying over the camp during the brutal attack.

The occupation military said the raid in the camp was launched following “accurate intelligence” given to the army by the Shin Bet security agency.

There were casualties reported among Israeli forces, Ynet reported.

Thursday’s aggression brings the number of Palestinians martyred this year to 26, including 18 from Jenin.

Original Article Source: Al Manar | Published on Thursday, 26 January 2023 10:46 (about 547 days ago)