TEHRAN, March 28 (MNA) – By declaring the last Friday of the month of Ramadan as International Quds Day, Imam Khomeini aimed to revive the capabilities of the Islamic world in forming a comprehensive front against Zionism, Najah Mohammed Ali says.By declaring the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as International Quds Day, Imam Khomeini (may Allah be pleased with him) aimed to revive the capabilities of the Islamic world in forming a comprehensive front against Zionism, laying the necessary foundations for the liberation of Palestine, and removing the cancer of occupation—thus establishing peace in the region.
There have been various interpretations of this historic initiative, but what is truly remarkable is that Imam Khomeini regarded this day as “the day of Islam’s life.” The “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation, in both form and substance, as well as in its results, demonstrates that the popular awakening for Palestine is on the rise—even in the West—despite regional governments’ attempts at normalization, spreading despair, and sowing confusion.
This operation confirmed that the Islamic world has taken Quds Day and its message seriously, which is why it is subjected to such massive distortion and misinformation campaigns.
The emergence of the Islamic awakening in the region was one of the earliest tangible results of Imam Khomeini’s unique movement and strategy in establishing the true significance of Quds and its symbolic meaning as Quds Day.
He ensured that Quds would not be confined to Palestine alone.
Over the years, the impact of Quds Day and Palestinian resistance has become evident, along with the spread of anti-Zionist sentiment (not anti-Jewish, as Zionists attempt to mislead public opinion) and the unwavering support of Islamic scholars for Palestine.
Imam Khomeini saw Quds Day as the day of Muslims’ liberation from enslavement to the great powers.
In his speeches, he frequently emphasized the importance of nations rising up and liberating Palestine.
Despite years of war and sanctions imposed on Iran, Imam Khomeini’s compass never wavered from Quds.
He remained steadfast in calling for its liberation and support.
Imam Khomeini called for the establishment of a global party to pave the way for Palestine’s liberation.
In his speech about International Quds Day, he said: “I hope a party named the Party of the Oppressed will be formed throughout the world, and that all the oppressed will join it to remove the obstacles and challenges hindering their progress.
Through it, the oppressed will rise against the arrogant powers and the Eastern and Western occupiers.
In doing so, they will prevent the oppressors from continuing their tyranny and will move forward to realize Islam’s promise that the oppressed shall inherit the earth and govern it.” The oppressed have long been scattered, and no real step can be taken as long as this division remains.
Today, a model of the oppressed uniting has been realized in one Muslim region.
This model should be expanded to include all sectors of humanity, on a broader and more comprehensive scale than ever before.
This can be achieved through the formation of the “Party of the Oppressed,” which has been practically embodied in “Hezbollah”—a movement aligned with God’s will, as expressed in the divine promise that the oppressed will inherit the earth.
Imam Khomeini identified the grave mistake Muslims made, which led to the establishment of Israel.
In 1979, he stated: “The mistake committed by all Muslims, particularly Arab governments and nations, was that they allowed Israel to exist from the very beginning.
The personal interests and ambitions of these governments prevented them from strangling Israel in its infancy.
As a result, they allowed it to gain the necessary strength to resist.
Unfortunately, the personal interests of Arab leaders prevented them from sincerely heeding our advice, which we had been giving for nearly twenty years, calling on them to unite against Israel.” Imam Khomeini’s declaration of Quds Day and the subsequent developments—especially after the Camp David Accords—proved that the Zionist entity’s threat is not limited to Quds and Palestine.
Instead, “it is a germ of corruption and will not stop at Quds.
If given time, all Islamic countries will be at risk.” In multiple sermons, Imam Khomeini stressed the importance of Quds and highlighted the Zionist entity’s fears regarding Iran’s role and its rapprochement with the Arab and Islamic world.
He stated: “Israel does not want there to be a religious scholar, the Quran, or Islamic laws in [pre-revolutionary] Iran so that it can achieve its goals.” In repeated speeches, Imam Khomeini warned against normalization with Israel, emphasizing that reviving Quds Day prevents the Zionist entity from establishing a central normalization foothold in the region.
This, he warned, is aimed at undermining Muslims and their high intellectual values.
It has now become clear that observing Quds Day has played a crucial role in mobilizing the Islamic nations and even some of their leaders against the occupying entity.
Here, Imam Khomeini placed particular emphasis on this point, believing that Muslims—both nations and governments—were responsible for the creation of the usurping entity and must, therefore, bear the responsibility of eliminating it.
He said: “Muslims, both nations and governments, must join hands, for those who attack Islam, like Zionism—which is the greatest enemy of Islam—seek to dominate Muslim lands one by one…” Undoubtedly, the observance of Quds Day strengthens Islamic solidarity, especially in the current context after the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation and the legendary resilience of the Palestinian people.
As challenges mount and the defeats of the Axis of Evil continue, Islamic solidarity has become an undeniable necessity.
The Palestinian cause and the liberation of Quds have once again emerged as a unifying factor that can serve as the focal point for Islamic unity and cohesion.
Therefore, Quds Day must be viewed from a new perspective, with strategic planning for its future.
No rational argument can justify ignoring or neglecting the Palestinian cause— the beating heart of the Islamic world—as this would inflict irreparable harm on the Muslim Ummah.
Thus, it is the responsibility of all Islamic nations to commemorate this great day, which is, in reality, a day of confrontation between the oppressed and the arrogant—going beyond mere slogans and ineffective gestures.
In light of the current situation, where the Zionist entity’s threat to the entire Middle East and the Islamic lands is becoming increasingly evident, Muslim unity in defending Palestine and resisting the occupation’s continuous aggression against the great Palestinian people is the only path to honor and pride for the Muslim world.