
Mustafa Abu Arra, a 63-year-old Hamas leader, has been confirmed as martyred following his transfer from an Israeli prison to the hospital due to a severe deterioration in his health.

The Palestinian Prisoners' Affairs Commission and the Palestinian Prisoners' Club have condemned his death as a result of deliberate medical negligence by the Israeli occupation authorities.

Abu Arra, a former detainee with a long history of arrests, was described as a leader in the Hamas movement.

His death marks the 19th prisoner to die in Israeli prisons under suspicious circumstances.

Upon his arrest, Abu Arrah, like other detainees, faced unprecedented crimes and procedures, including torture, starvation, and medical neglect, which are central causes of death among prisoners in Israeli detention facilities, according to the two organizations.

The Commission and PPS described Abu Arrah's death as a slow execution, executed through the denial of necessary medical treatment.

They condemned this as part of a broader pattern of systematic violence and genocide orchestrated by Israeli authorities, with public endorsement from extremist Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who has advocated for lethal measures against prisoners.

They held the Israeli Prison Service fully responsible for Abu Arrah’s death and the well-being of all detainees, which number over 9,700, not including those from Gaza.

Hamas has vowed to seek vengeance for his death, urging fighters to target Israeli occupation soldiers and settlers in response to what they describe as a cowardly assassination.

The Palestinian people have mourned Abu Arra's death, with demonstrations erupting in his hometown following the news of his passing.

Original Article Source: Al Manar | Published on Friday, 26 July 2024 06:42 (about 84 days ago)