
By Fatima Haydar The FBI, America's top cop shop, is in hot water again.

This time, it's for screwing up investigations into child sex abuse – and it's not the first time they've messed up big time. Remember the Larry Nassar scandal? The creep who abused all those gymnasts? Well, the FBI dropped the ball there too, ignoring reports and letting Nassar keep hurting kids for over a year.

You'd think they'd have learned their lesson, right? Wrong.

A new report from the FBI's own watchdog shows they're still making the same mistakes.

It's like they're stuck in a bad rerun.

The report's author, Inspector General Michael Horowitz, dug into over 300 child abuse cases.

What he found isn't pretty.

FBI agents are dragging their feet, missing crucial leads, and not even bothering to tell other cops about tips they get.

And get this - it's not just sloppy work, it's against the law.

One case really takes the cake.

The FBI knew about a registered sex offender but sat on their hands for a year.

Meanwhile, the creep allegedly abused another kid for 15 months.

Talk about dropping the ball.

It's not just a few bad apples either.

The whole barrel's rotten.

The teams handling these cases are short-staffed and drowning in work.

It's the same old story – not enough people, too many cases.

The FBI promised to clean up its act after the Nassar fiasco.

But here we are, seeing the same mistakes over and over.

It's like they're stuck on repeat.

This isn't just about paperwork and protocols.

Real kids are getting hurt while the FBI twiddles its thumbs.

And people are starting to wonder if they can trust the bureau to protect their children.

The FBI says they're making changes – better training, more supervision.

But is it enough? The problems seem to run deep, like a bad root in a rotten tooth.

Bottom line? The FBI needs to get its act together, and fast.

Kids' lives are on the line.

Until they do, it's hard not to feel like justice is asleep at the wheel

Original Article Source: Al Ahed News | Published on Thursday, 05 September 2024 08:07 (about 47 days ago)