TEHRAN, August 08 (MNA) – Dr Caner says that the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS) in Karbala has been an important turning point in the history of Islam from a political perspective.With the first ten days of Muharram rolling around, millions of Shia Muslims in Iran and across the world are commemorating the anniversary of the tragic martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS) and his companions.
Although centuries have passed since that event, it continues to inspire countless numbers of Shia, non-Shia Muslims and even non-Muslims around the world to borrow a page from Imam Hussein’s altruistic book in their quest for freedom and emancipation.
Imam Hussein (AS) was a renowned Muslim figure in Medina who was known for piety and virtue.
His martyrdom inspired many uprisings against unjust rulers throughout Islamic history, the most recent of which was the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran that brought down the oppressive Shah regime.
On the occasion of Ashura, the anniversary of Imam Hussein's martyrdom, to know more about Imam Hussein's uprising effects, we reached out to non-Shia Muslim researcher and expert from Turkey, Dr Deniz Caner.
Here is the translation of the full interview with her: What are the main characteristics of Imam Hussein and his uprising? When he was born, his mother and anybody who saw Hazrat Hossein (AS) said that they had never seen such a beautiful infant.
With his strong will, Hussein has become a symbol of perseverance and determination in the history of Islam.
Despite all the difficulties and sufferings, Hussein's travel to Kufa was a sign of his determination.
The fact that he risked the lives of his family, companions, and his own life for the sake of Allah was a sign that he was a dignified person who did not give in to oppression.
Was Imam Hussein’s uprising a revolution? His movement was revolutionary.
As a matter of fact, Karbala has been an important turning point in the history of Islam from a political perspective because the master of the martyrs taught all humanity how to restore justice and freedom.
For this reason, as long as the persecution, injustice, and oppression continue in this world, Hussein's understanding of revolution will never end.
Why is Imam Hussein (AS)’s uprising still dynamic and every year millions of freedom-seekers commemorate his martyrdom anniversary? Because despite the deviation of rulers, Hussein’s uprising has always been a role model for all Muslims to fight oppression, injustice, and corruption.
Imam Hussein sacrificed himself, his family, and his companions in Karbala. What is the message of his uprising?
His act is a valuable lesson for all humanity.
From your point of view, who are the Yazidis of our era? All who continue ruling of oppression and corruption in the world are Yazidis of our era.
What can today’s freedom-seeking movements such as the anti-racism movement in the US learn from Imam Hussein’s movement? In our world, there have always been and are rulers who constantly depend on war, oppression, plunder, and oppression.
Racism and xenophobia thrive in countries that prevent the equitable distribution of wealth belonging to the whole society.
For this reason, Hussein’s move teaches that they should fight for their own rights and maintain justice.
These rights were not given spontaneously throughout history, they were always taken with an uprising, as in my example of Karbala.
Interview by Payman Yazdani