
On July 12, 2006, at 09:05 a.m., the Islamic Resistance carried out an attack on an Israeli occupation vehicle in Khallet Warde area and captured two of the enemy soldiers.

On the same day, Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah held a press conference in Beirut’s Dahiyeh and affirmed that the Zionists have the sole choice of indirect negotiations in order to restore the captives, emphasizing that the Resistance is ready for calm and war.

Regardless of what was later disclosed about the Zionist prepared plans to launch an all-out war on Lebanon before Hezbollah attack, the Israeli enemy actually waged a 33-day destructive aggression on Lebanon and the apparent pretext was a limited border attack.

However, the game-changing military capabilities of the Islamic Resistance surprised the enemy and imposed on it a ceasefire and prisoner swap talks.

The strategic outcomes of 2006 war were concentrated on founding a balance of deterrence that had prevented the enemy from launching any form of aggression on Lebanon, except for some violations, which allowed the Lebanese to enjoy perfect security conditions, especially in the South.

The Islamic Resistance had been accumulating power and gaining military expertise from the war in Syria when the Zionist war on Gaza started in October, 2023.

Thus, the outcome of 2006 war plus the massive arsenal obtained by the Resistance imposed new rules of engagement.

Hezbollah decided to start a border battle in support of the Palestinian resistance in Gaza against the Zionist aggression.

The decision was based on the given conditions of the confrontation which grant the Resistance the advantage of starting a battle.

Over 2000 operations carried out by the Islamic Resistance were faced by Zionist border aggression.

The Zionist enemy has not dared to expand the war zone due to the military readiness of the Resistance to expand the zone targeted by the combat drones and heavy missiles.

In a recent speech, Hezbollah leader indicated that the Israeli officials have downplayed their threat rhetoric against Lebanon, underlining the efficiency of Hezbollah border battle in support of Gaza.

All in all, the Israeli enemy knows well how an all-out war against Lebanon will lead the occupation entity into the major havoc which threatens its very existence.

Thus, on the anniversary of 2006 War, the two contrasting images are painted by the missiles and the drones of the Resistance heroes.

Original Article Source: Al Manar | Published on Friday, 12 July 2024 15:04 (about 57 days ago)