
On the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, Khamenei.ir publishes an excerpt from Imam Khamenei's statements about today's lessons from the Qur’an for the Islamic nation. If the Islamic nation deviates from the Qur’an, it will be stricken The subject of the Quran is a very important issue: it is an eternal issue for the world of Islam and the Islamic Ummah.

We should be attached to the Quran.

If the Islamic Ummah does not benefit from the Quran and if it ignores it—as this has, unfortunately, happened during many periods of time throughout our history—it will come to harm the Ummah, and it will be felt like a slap across the face for all Muslims—as has been the case in the past.   The right way to live is for the Islamic societies and nation to adhere to the Qur’an Today, we need the Quran in our lives.

If Islamic societies and the Islamic Ummah wish to walk down the right path: the way to do so is to act accordingly with the Quran.

There is a narration which reads, "Truly, this Quran is God's rope." The Quran reveals, "And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah stretches out for you and be not divided among yourselves." [3: 13].

The Quran is the rope which Allah stretches out for us.

"The Quran is the light," [speaking in Arabic]. What is the significance of this light? The light makes the environment shine bright.

It guides us down the path that we should be on.

With light, one gains the power to see.

Without light, our eyes cannot function properly because they cannot see anything.

We humans have intellect; we have various capabilities; we have the power to think, but without light, none of these qualities can help us.

So, this light is essential: this light is the Holy Quran. This disease is the cause of humiliation, and it spreads due to avoidance of the Quran.

We are out of touch with the cure and treatment: "The Quran is a guard for anyone who relies on it and it is a savior for anyone who follows it.” [Jame al-Akhbar, Vol.1, page 432]—This is the truth: this is the Quran.    The Muslims standing up to the arrogant powers and the oppressors in the world is a lesson from the Qur’an We need the Quran, today, in our personal lives, in our social lives, in our politics, and to guide us in our governmental procedures and methods. The Quran teaches us valuable lessons, just like the ayahs which were recited here: "Muhammad is the messenger of Allah and those who are with him are strong against unbelievers, but compassionate amongst each other.

You will see them bow and prostrate themselves in prayer, seeking grace from Allah and His Good Pleasure.

On their faces are their marks, being the traces of their prostration." [The Holy Quran, 48: 29] This ayah describes the characteristics of believers: the Quran asks of us to be like the believers. The first characteristic (we must come to understand) is being "strong against unbelievers.” The first characteristic is standing up to these unbelievers.

Muslims should avoid being like soft ramparts which are penetrable.

They should stand up against unbelievers like a firmly built dam.

They should stand up against the bullying of the US officials and other thugs around the world.

If they do not observe this characteristic, if they do not pay attention to these borderlines, they will be humiliated; and they will suffer from corruption and backwardness.   Unity and the bond of Guardianship (Wilayat) between the believers brings about the prosperity of the Muslims In the present time, this (issue of ignorance and corruption in some Islamic countries) has, unfortunately, occurred.

In the last ayahs (verses) of the auspicious Sura al-Anfal—the ones related to believers' wilayat—God reveals, "They are all friends and protectors, one of another." [8: 72] This ayah is about believers.

As for unbelievers, He reveals in the following ayah, "The unbelievers are protectors, one of another." [8: 73] Both believers and unbelievers have a relationship based on wilayat and protection; so, this ayah reads that this is an obligation.

Although it is an affirmative sentence, it is, in fact, an imperative one.

Muslims should have a relationship based on wilayat, no matter where they come from: the unity that we speak about stems from this idea.

Contrary to a relationship built on wilayat, they should not have a friendly and wilayat like relationship (wherein one rules over the other) with unbelievers. Wilayat with unbelievers will ruin Muslims.

An example is the wilayat that exists today among some Muslims and unbelievers.

Some countries’ officials exchange words of endearment with the Zionist regime, and they have various political, economic, and other such interactions with it.   War and bloodshed in Islamic regions stem from a lack of unity among the Muslims The Quran goes on to read, "Unless you do this, (protect each other), there would be tumult and oppression on earth, and great mischief.” [8: 73] If wilayat between believers and lack of wilayat between believers and unbelievers is not observed on earth, there will be tumult and great corruption.

Today, [tumult and corruption] this has happened.

Today, there is war within the borders of Islamic regions.

There are domestic wars, bloodshed, and numerous pressures endured by our brothers and sisters.

The shameless and ignorant governments of certain Islamic countries have waged unlawful wars and commit crimes against other Muslim countries. Notice the horrific disaster that has befallen the people of Yemen today: their wedding celebrations turn into mourning ceremonies; they bombard innocent people, and they kill the people in the market—on the street and inside mosques! This exists in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria in different ways, too.

This is because we, (most) Muslims, have forgotten about this wilayat between believers.

We do not act according to the Quran.

These horrific acts (seen throughout Islamic countries) are examples of violating the Quran.

If we act on the Quran, we will achieve dignity: this is the pathway that leads to Muslims' bliss and happiness.   Clinging and adhering to the Qur’an will brighten the future of the Islamic world we in the Islamic Republic have managed to stand up against the aggression led by the Front of Arrogance, and we have managed to make progress.

Contrary to the foolish desires of those who wanted to destroy the Islamic Republic, we became deeply-rooted.

Our capabilities increased, our power increased, and we achieved more progress contrary to the foolish desires of the enemy. These acts of reciting and reading the Quran, in a correct and precise manner, are all introductory steps.

Memorizing the Quran is an introductory step; reading the Quran during such gatherings is an introductory step: these are introductory steps towards understanding and understanding is an introductory step towards acting. You, dear youth, most of you are young, should turn to face the Quran with an outlook and feeling that you should acquire its teachings for your lives—your personal, social, and political lives—and then you should act on those teachings.

You should be committed to this perspective. If you face the Quran with this outlook and this feeling, the future of the world of Islam will be much better than its present-day conditions.

If you do this, then the US will not dare to issue such threats against Islamic countries and against the Islamic Ummah. If we rely on the Quran, if we learn from it and if we become more attached to it, this is attachment to God's rope.

Attachment to God's rope will help us to stand firm.

If there is a piece (of this rope) which you can grab firmly on a path that you are taking, then there will be no risk of falling down.—This is God's rope.

If you grab hold of it, there will be no risk of falling down.

I hope, that by Allah's favor, the world of Islam will get closer to this (forming this strong rope of unity) on a daily basis. Apr 26, 2018  

Original Article Source: The Official Site of Imam Khamenei (khamenei.ir) | Published on Monday, 04 May 2020 11:41 (about 1756 days ago)