
The identity of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Today I will explain that the identity of the Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps as the guardian of the Revolution should not be interpreted as conservative.

Guardianship means preserving and safeguarding.

In one analysis, this guardianship can be interpreted as conservative.

That is to say, we can say the Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps is responsible to preserve the current situation of the Revolution.

I do not agree with this interpretation.

Preserving and safeguarding the Revolution does not mean preserving its current situation.

Why? Because the Revolution is by nature a progressive movement, and an accelerated movement at that.

What is the direction? The Revolution is moving towards the goals that have been delineated.

The goals will not change.

The principles and values which we should insist on and for which we should lay down our life, are the kind of principles and values that have been specified in our goals.

The ultimate goal is transcendence, perfection and closeness to God.

A less important goal is self-education.

A less important goal is to establish an Islamic society in which all the characteristics of an Islamic society are present, including justice, monotheism and spirituality.

These are the goals.

These goals cannot be changed.

That is to say, we cannot afford to give up some of our goals.

For instance, we should not say, "Alright, there was a day when we wanted to establish justice, but we realized that we cannot establish justice, so let us just settle for something that looks like justice." No, the goal is to establish justice.

Monotheism and establishment of perfect sharia and justice - these are the goals and they cannot be changed.

However, we can move towards these goals slowly or fast.

The methods can be changed.

Different measures may be adopted.

The Revolution is moving in this direction.

Preserving and safeguarding the Revolution means maintaining this progressive movement.

This is the duty of the Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps.

If we adopt this perspective and interpret guardianship in this way, then the dynamism and enthusiasm that is embodied by the Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps will be intensified. Jul 4, 2011 The Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps is an organization for resistance and selfless struggle.

It is an organization that aims to achieve the same goals for which you are studying in our universities.

It grew in the fertile ground that the Islamic Revolution provided, in the arena of selfless struggle.

This is the essence of the Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps.

Of course, nobody would have believed that the Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps would make such unprecedented and extraordinary progress.

Many of the main elements of the Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps were young people like you.

They were as old as you are and some of them were even younger than you.

Once they found out that the enemy had attacked our country, they stopped thinking about their studies, their examinations, their classes, their teachers, their homes and their comfort and they went to the battlefield.

"So of them is he who accomplished his vow, and of them is he who yet waits." [The Holy Quran, 33: 23] Some of them were martyred.

Some others were wounded.

Yet others returned from the battlefields unharmed.

This is the nature of the Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps.

Of course, I am not claiming that anybody who went to the battlefield and put on the uniform of the Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps, is an angel.

No, even an angel can turn into Satan.

If human beings are not cautious, they might fall even when they have reached the position of angels.

This is human nature.

Some people failed to maintain the position they had achieved, but they are not the ones who determine the identity of the Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps. May 21, 2007   The Basij, a pillar of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp The establishment of Basij was one of the innovations of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.).

Turning Basij, which first meant a combination of sacred motives, commitment and devotion, into an organization was one of the major innovations of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.).

This was indeed a great movement by Imam Khomeini (r.a.). It was Basij - that is to say, a group of enthusiastic volunteers - that helped establish the Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps.

Although Basij is affiliated to the Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps, the early members of Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps were the former Basij members.

Basij members stepped in and helped form this organization.

This is an immaculate tree. Therefore, our nation did not feel enervated at any point during the great event that took place within our country - namely, the Sacred Defense.

In spite of the fact that we were incomparable to our enemies in terms of our military might, weapons, and ordinary military capabilities - in fact, all we had was not even a fraction of what our enemies possessed - we never felt inadequate.

Despite the hardships during the Sacred Defense, enthusiastic presence of our youth filled hearts with hope, and it proved to be very effective indeed. May 3, 2008   Why is the US intimidated by the IRGC? The extensive and multi-functional organization of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps is an outstanding organization in the country.

When it comes to confronting the enemy in political terms, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps is in the frontlines.

When it comes to confronting the enemy in practical, military and operational arenas, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps is in the frontlines.

If this enemy penetrates into our borders and pours onto our alleys and streets, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps is in the frontlines.

If he shows himself several thousand kilometers away – around Hazrat Zaynab’s Shrine (God’s greetings be upon her), the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps is again in the frontlines. That is why you witness what antics the Americans perform for the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps! Of course, their efforts will be of no avail.

They foolishly think that they are hatching plots against the Guards Corps and the country, but the Holy Quran says, “But those who defy Allah are themselves the subject of the plot” [The Holy Quran, 52: 42].

He who is being deceived, who thinks he is moving towards the summit while he is in fact descending into the depths of failure is a person who “defies Allah” – in others words, Trump, the shaitans, the malicious personalities and the fools surrounding the ruling system of the US They are such individuals. Apr 8, 2019  

Original Article Source: The Official Site of Imam Khamenei (khamenei.ir) | Published on Tuesday, 21 April 2020 08:12 (about 1769 days ago)