
What does it mean to use and enjoy youthhood? The Holy Prophet of Islam (s.w.a.) prayed for one of his young companions, asking God to help the young man benefit from his youth.

Therefore, it is clear that not all those who are young benefit from their youth, which was why the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) uttered such a prayer.

What does it mean to benefit from one's youth? It is a mistake to think that benefiting from one's youth means indulging in material passions and pleasure in one's youth.

Benefiting from one's youth is not this.

According to another hadith by the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.), "Any young person who spends his youth on the path of obeying God and puts aside the world and futile worldly matters -God will reward him as much as seventy-two righteous people." This means that a young person who guards his spiritual purity and keeps away from material passions will be given as many rewards as seventy two righteous people.

"Staying pure in one's youth is the way of prophets." Joseph the Prophet is the example that Allah the Exalted has set forth for young people.

Benefiting from one's youth does not mean engaging in material indulgences, rather it means spending one's youth obeying God.

Obeying God is not limited to praying.

Of course, praying is a great virtue and it is very important and constructive, but obeying God is not just limited to praying.

In the vast arena of life, obeying God has many manifestations and one of the most important manifestations is avoiding sins and guarding one's spiritual purity.

Your studying is an instance of obeying God.

Your innovations are also an instance of obeying God. Oct 16, 2011   The carriers of great news When the youth of a country awaken, there will be increased hope of a general awakening in that country.

Today Muslim youth have awakened throughout the world of Islam.

So many traps have been set in the way of proud and determined Muslim youth, but they have managed to eliminate these problems.

You see what has happened in Tunisia, in Egypt, in Libya, in Yemen and in Bahrain.

You see the movement that has taken place in other Islamic countries.

This is all good news. Jan 30, 2012   A movement in the name of God The youth play a determining role.

They are agents of change.

They are the driving force behind the progress of the country.

They are a solution for dead ends.

This is what youthful energy is.

It is the youth who are doing many of the things we see happening in Egypt - those who felt with their body and soul the hardships and sufferings imposed by that taghut [government not sanctioned by God].

The movement is started from mosques and Friday prayer venues.

It is conducted in the name of God.

It is a public movement. Feb 16, 2011   The youth will enter the arena with Islamic slogans The extremely sensitive and important Middle East policy of America has failed completely.

Everybody can see this, and everybody acknowledges this fact.

They were defeated in Palestine.

They lost their mercenaries and close allies.

One day they had only lost the satanic and corrupt Pahlavi regime, but today they have lost or are losing other regimes.

Therefore, their situation is precarious.

Today America has been isolated in the western part of Asia - in North Africa and in the Middle East.

Today Islam is alive in these areas.

Today the youth enter the arena with Islamic slogans.

Thirty or forty years ago, if somebody wanted to speak about nationalistic and revolutionary sentiments in North African countries, he had to resort to leftist slogans.

Today such things have been thrown away.

Such slogans have been thrown into the trash can.

Today Islam and the Quran are very common and play a determining role.

Is this a small achievement? The same thing happened when the Islamic Revolution achieved victory and the Islamic Republic raised the flag of Islam and the Quran in the region. May 31, 2011   The existence of young, revolutionary believers is divine assistance You dear youth who are now in Basij and who are organized by this resistance force must have the following conception of the responsibility of a person towards Islam: you should feel that you can be effective, you can accelerate this great movement, you can solve some problems, and you can withstand various types of invasion including political aggression, propaganda, psychological warfare, and military attacks.

The Islamic Revolution and the Islamic Republic, as well as our nation, need this motivated and faithful public presence.

That is because our government relies on God and divine powers, and the most important divine powers are the faith of the people. May 3, 2008   The youth are the engine for movement in the nations in the region We must pay attention to the machinations of the enemy.

We must take care not to let them hijack popular revolutions from the people.

We must take care not to let them derail these revolutions.

Make use of the experiences of others.

The enemy does many things in order to derail popular revolutions and neutralize popular movements.

The enemy does many things in order to counteract selfless efforts and the blood that has been shed.

It is necessary to be careful.

It is necessary to be vigilant.

You dear youth are the driving force behind these movements.

Be vigilant.

Be careful. Jan 30, 2012   Today, the look of the youth of the Islamic world is towards Islam The present tendency toward Islam in the Muslim Ummah has been unprecedented for the past few centuries.

Following the wide-scale political and cultural domination of Islamic countries by Western and Eastern blocs for several decades, Muslim youngsters are now turning to Islam and its teachings and precepts. This is a reality which is even acknowledged by Westerners and the world's arrogant powers.

They have often said that if free elections are held in any Islamic country, those who believe in Islam and seek to promote Islamic values and principles will be elected by the people. Today, there is contradiction between the Western countries' claims of supporting democracy and what they are doing in practice.

On the one hand, they have raised the flag of democracy and are claiming to support democratic governments.

On the other hand, they are expressing unwillingness to hoist the banner of democracy in the Islamic world in its real sense and promote free elections. Sep 2, 2005   The formation of the Mobilized Resistance Force (Basij), means putting the fate of the revolution in the hands of committed youth Basij was one of the astonishing phenomena of the revolutionary era.

Our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) was inspired by God to carry out this course of action.

When he announced the formation of a twenty-million Basij and when the Basij Organization was formed, it was a great task.

What did that task mean anyway? It meant that Allah the Exalted taught something to our magnanimous Imam (r.a.).

Through inspiration, He said to Imam (r.a.) that he should entrust the fate of the Revolution to youth and he did not entrust it only to the youth of the time.

When youth enter the arena, they transfer - with the passage of time – to other generations this valuable thing and this trust that has been given to them in custody. I do not want to say that basijis are angels and that they are clear of any human weakness.

This is not the case.

All of us are subject to human weaknesses.

We have fear, we have inhibitions, we have different considerations, and we have familial and social problems. A basiji youth might become afraid in a period of time and he might have doubts about a particular issue, but he does not get stuck in a dead-end.

This is because there are so many guiding, power-generating and piloting elements in Basij that they can eliminate all these weaknesses or turn them into strong points. Nov 23, 2016   The appointment of a 19-year-old youth to be the ruler of Mecca by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Αfter the capture of Mecca, the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) put a 19-year-old youth in charge of Mecca.

After he conquered Mecca, it was necessary for the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) to assign a ruler in charge of it.

There were many old people and luminaries, but the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) decided to put a 19-year-old youth in charge of Mecca.

Some people complained the youth was too young for the post and asked him why he assigned him as the ruler of Mecca.

According to this narration, the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) said that those who were opposed to the young man's rule should not base their reasoning on his young age because this kind of reasoning is not right.

"Older is not better." He said that a person who is older is not necessarily better or more qualified.

Rather, a person is more qualified should be preferred.

This is an instance of meritocracy.

It is necessary to pay attention to these things.

This principle of meritocracy should be observed in every subsystem of the Islamic Republic - including the executive branch, the legislative branch, the judiciary branch, the Armed Forces and different organizations.

Screening must be based on the standards and the qualifications of individuals, not on personal preferences.

And this is a principle in Islam.

All the changes that exist within the framework of Islam are based on this principle. Oct 16, 2011   Today, history is at a very important turning point You dear youth should know that the history of the world and the history of humanity is at a great momentous juncture today.

A new era is starting throughout the world.

The great and clear sign of it is the attention to Allah the Exalted, the cries for assistance from the inexhaustible source of divine power and reliance on divine revelations.

Humanity has passed through the days of materialistic ideologies and schools and thought.

Today neither Marxism, nor western liberal democracy, nor secular nationalism has any appeal.

You see what is going on in the cradle of western liberal democracy - in America, in Europe.

They admit failure.

Today among members of the Islamic Ummah, the greatest appeal belongs to Islam, the Holy Quran and the school of thought that is based on divine revelation.

Allah the Exalted has promised that the divine and Islamic school of thought and the school of thought that is based on divine revelation can help humanity achieve happiness.

This is a very sacred, very important and very significant phenomenon. Jan 30, 2012   Moving towards the ultimate goal The ultimate goal must be a unified Islamic Ummah and the creation of a new Islamic civilization founded upon faith, rationality, knowledge, and morality.

The liberation of Palestine from the savage claws of the Zionists is also a great objective.

The countries of the Balkans, Caucasus, and western Asia were liberated from the claws of the former Soviet Union after eighty years.

Why should the Palestinian people not be able to free themselves from the captivity of the oppressor Zionists after seventy years? The present generation in Islamic countries has the capacity to accomplish such great feats.

The young generation of today is a source of pride for the past generations[...].

Trust your young generation.

Revive their feeling of self-confidence and benefit them by the experiences of the elders. Sep 17, 2011   You youth will see that day We must move forward.

This movement is a successful movement because the prospects are bright.

The future prospects are bright.

By Allah's favor, there will be a day when the Islamic Ummah will reach the peak of power and independence.

[Audience shout "humiliation is far from us"] While preserving their characteristics and differences, Muslim nations should come together under the banner of the call to God and the call to Islam.

Then the Islamic Ummah will regain its dignity. Jan 30, 2012  

Original Article Source: The Official Site of Imam Khamenei (khamenei.ir) | Published on Monday, 06 April 2020 12:11 (about 1784 days ago)