
In an extensive interview with Masseer Especial Journal--which belongs to Khamenei.ir-- Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah pointed out formerly undisclosed facts regarding relations between Lebanon's Hezbollah and the Islamic Republic of Iran as well as Imam Khamenei's command of international issues.

  As I’ve mentioned in some media outlets, one and a half years after the start of the Syrian crisis, around 2012 or 2013, Malik Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz sent a special envoy to Bashar al-Assad.

Saudi Arabia sent a message to Assad, declaring that if he withdrew from the Resistance and ended his ties with Iran, the war on Syria would be stopped and a solution to the takfiri groups would be found, and Assad would be recognized as President, forever.

The Saudis told Assad, "we are demanding neither reform nor anything else, and we are willing to pay hundreds of billions of dollars to reconstruct Syria".

Therefore, the goal was completely different from the demands of the nations in the Arab Spring.

The goal was to rob Syria off its historical status, to rob off its rights and to draw it out of the Resistance movement, to prepare the grounds for the obliteration of the Palestinian cause, for the stabilization of US’s position in Iraq, and the isolation and encirclement of Iran.

Well, since day one, our understanding of the war was this.

I hope that the brothers in Iran will help disperse the information on these facts.

Some US officials and Syrian opponents said that if they could dominate Syria, they would immediately enter Lebanon to get rid of Hezbollah.

Others said they would go to Iraq.

So, the issue was not just Syria.   When the president of the United States, Donald Trump, acknowledges that Obama, Clinton and the CIA created the terror group ISIS and sent it to Syria, was the terrorists' goal to establish democracy in Syria and the election, or they sought to destroy this country? That's why we clearly knew from the first day that the goal of the war on Syria was not related to such matters.

The goal of this war was to overthrow the Syrian government, destroy the Syrian army, and expand dominance over Syria, so that Syria would yield up its rights and grounds would be prepared for the destruction of the Palestinian issue, the normalization of relations with Israel, and the elimination of all the aspirations and dreams of the nations of the region.

We agreed on this conclusion in Lebanon, for example in Hezbollah, and there was not even one single different opinion among the members of Hezbollah regarding the goals of the war against Syria.

Even Ayatollah Khamenei—who is also approved by God and enjoys great historical insight and awareness, as well as the characteristics of the famous and exceptional leadership—believed in the principle that the Syrian issue was not a matter of democracy, reform, and so on. I pointed out in some gatherings that there were people suggesting that Iran had ordered us to enter Syria, but this is not true.

We decided to enter Syria because we felt seriously threatened by the situation in Syria and Lebanon.

There was the risk that the war would soon be drawn into our towns and villages.

We were willing to engage in the war, but after all, it required permission and support—and the former, i.e.

permission, was more important.   I paid a visit to the Leader, I explained my data and inference about Syria and its transformations, and I presented my own arguments.

I learned that his view about the events in Syria was much clearer and deeper than our view.

His positions with regard to Syria and its transformations were clear from the very beginning.

He said that this was a plot for overthrowing Syria, and it targeted Syria, the status of Syria with relation to the Resistance and the Palestinian issue, the Resistance movement, and also the Islamic Republic of Iran; because after they finish with Syria, they would attack Lebanon, Iraq and Iran.

This is what actually happened.

They came to Lebanon and occupied a part of Al-Baqaa, and if they had been able, they would have occupied more areas.

But we and the Lebanese army stood up to them and besieged them in mountainous areas.   You saw in Iraq, Takfiri terrorists were quickly transported from the east of Euphrates in Syria to Iraq, and they dominated the province of Al Anbar over a very short period of time.

This province accounts for over a quarter of Iraq’s total area.

They also subjugated Mosul, Saladin, and other parts, reaching an area 20 kilometers from the city of Karbala and 40 kilometers from Baghdad.

This means that we actually saw over the past years, what Ayatollah Khamenei had judged at the beginning of the Syrian events.

There, the reason for the Leader’s firm position as to side with Syria was revealed.

The Islamic Republic of Iran adopted this position, and we, too, taking this position, went to Syria and fought there.

The Syrian government, people and army resisted the plots.

A large portion of the Syrian population supported the government and resisted.

We have always said that after God’s grace, this was the resistance and endurance of the Syrian government, people and leaders that led to the victory of Syria.

Hezbollah of Lebanon, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Iraqi friends, and Russia were the arms that assisted Syria, and the main task was carried out by the Syrian government, people and army.

If the Syrian leaders surrendered, if the Syrian army collapsed, or if the Syrian people stopped supporting the government and the army, we would not have achieved anything in the big war in the Levant.

We only assisted them.   So, now we are here.

I will finish this part of my talk by mentioning anecdotes of my visit to Ayatollah Khamenei and the spiritual capacity of this dear and honorable Sayyid.

After the Syrian crisis began in 2011, a US-led international coalition entered this country, and all the countries of the world believed that Damascus would collapse within only two months.

All the Arab countries believed this.

Even some of our friends also believed that.

So, we also felt a little worried, even though we didn’t really believe that.

The dimensions of the matter were not clear for us, and we were very worried.

At that time, some countries like Turkey and Qatar, with which we were in contact prior to the Syrian crisis, sent us messages.

At that time, Mr Davutoğlu who had a political responsibility came to Lebanon.   Did this happen before the Istanbul summit or after that? No, it was after the events and before the Astana meetings.

Astana meeting was held after Davutoğlu's visit.

I am currently talking about the transformations in the first and second years of the Syrian crisis, especially in the first year.

The Turkish leaders sent us messages that "We are willing to give you a guarantee.

You stand back and do not count on Syria, because we guarantee you that Damascus will fall in two or three months." Many brothers in Iran were also influenced by this atmosphere.

At a meeting with the Leader and a number of Iranian officials, we learned that some Iranian authorities were also influenced by the atmosphere formed in the region.

But in that meeting, contrary to the views and opinions of all the countries of the world, the experts of the region, and even a number of Iranian officials, the Leader turned to me and said: "We have to make Syria and Bashar al-Assad win, and they will eventually win."   Meanwhile, all the world said a different thing.

After about 2 years, the signs of the realization of this prediction by the Supreme Leader of the Revolution were also revealed.

Now that we reached this point, we are possibly witnessing a major and historic victory in Syria.

Imagine for a moment that ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front and their American allies had become victorious in Syria and had subjugated this country, what would have happened to Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran? And what would the fate of the nations of the region have been? What would the fate of Palestine and Quds have been? In the case of the victory of the Takfiris, the deal of the century would have come about long ago, and it was enacted by this day.

If today Ben Salman told the Palestinians to accept minor things they were given, what would have happened to Quds and Palestine? Therefore, if we want to know the importance of the victory that was achieved in Syria, we must reverse this question and ask: if we had not won and had been defeated in Syria, if they had won, what would be the situation in Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, and the whole region? When we answer this question, we understand the importance of what the fighters have accomplished in Syria and the significance of their resistance.   You repeatedly emphasized that the rulers of different countries contacted Bashar al-Assad, giving him various promises of the financial and political kind, and even guaranteed his remaining in power, but he eventually refused to accept these promises.

What was the reason for Bashar al-Assad's persistence and resistance against these promises, and what caused him to endure so much pressure? It was mainly because Bashar al-Assad did not trust the American and Arab parties.

On the other hand, Assad knew their experience; because they all consider granting concessions.

Yet, he himself is not a man who would give concessions in exchange for the essential and national principles.

Bashar al-Assad believed that offering any concession in exchange for national principles would be risky for Syria's existence, national sovereignty, and its status in the region.   Before Syria faced this situation and Iran, Hezbollah and Syria itself and the government of Dr Bashar al-Assad opted for this solution, were other alternatives investigated to see if other options were available or there was basically no other way from the beginning? Our initial option was negotiation, and a political settlement was our priority.

The Syrian government, our brothers in Iran, and we in Hezbollah made numerous contacts with the Syrian opposition and invited them to negotiate for deciding on a political settlement, but the opposition strongly rejected political negotiation and discussion and believed that the Syrian government would fall within two to three months.

I remember that some influential parties in the Syrian opposition told us that we intended to revive the dead! They said that the Damascus government was done with and they would not accept to negotiate with such a government.

This was their mistake in calculations because they absolutely refused to negotiate a political settlement.

But their even bigger calculation mistake was that they engaged in military action too soon, which was their main objective in Syria.

As I mentioned earlier, their goal was not to establish democracy in Syria or to implement reforms in this country.

Their main goal was to overthrow the Damascus government, hit the Syrian army and, change the equations in the country.

Yes, that's right; there was no other option when the Syrian government and its friends and allies opted for an armed resistance option.   An important matter that has always been emphasized by Ayatollah Khamenei is the policy of approximation of Islamic denominations and that members of different Islamic denominations should be able to coexist peacefully and should by no means be hostile toward each other.

Meanwhile, we see some movements that add fuel to the fire of religious disputes, under the influence of the propaganda and policies of the foreigners—who are enemies of both Shias and Sunnis.

What is your view about the policy of approximation of Islamic denominations promoted by Ayatollah Khamenei, and also emphasized by Imam Khomeini (r.a.)? What has this policy achieved? And what issues, do you think, can threaten this policy at the moment?   Firstly, this is one of the fundamental principles raised by Ayatollah Khomeini (r.a.) under the title of Islamic unity, solidarity among Muslims, the closeness of Islamic denominations, and the proliferation of the spirit of convergence, cooperation and coordination among all Muslims.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has always favored this policy.

After taking up the responsibility of leadership, Ayatollah Khamenei, too, continued this policy forcefully, always stressing it.

The truth is that this is also the policy of the original Islam of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the Quran.

Unity among Muslims, the policy of approximation of Islamic denominations, is an Islamic logic that all Muslims should heed.   Much effort has been made in this regard.

Since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, extensive relations were developed among Islamic parties and Muslim scholars across the region and even the world.

Moreover, many congresses and conferences were held during these years to promote the policy of approximation of Islamic denominations.

Undoubtedly, the attitude of Imam Khomeini (r.a.) and also Ayatollah Khamenei toward the Palestinian cause has played an important role in gathering all Muslims under one single flag, i.e.

the centrality of the Palestinian cause. Much effort has been made in this regard.

If we look for the good results and the achievements of the policy of approximation of Islamic denominations, we will find them in recent years; because the most dangerous incident since 2011 was the US-Saudi project aimed at creating faith and tribe related sedition and divisions between Shias and Sunnis in the region.

This is more dangerous than what happened in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Bahrain.

I remind you of four years ago; now we are in the fifth year.

When the aggressive US-Saudi coalition took military action against Yemen, the Friday Prayers’ Imam of the Great Mosque of Mecca (Masjid ul-Haram) announced during the Friday Prayers sermons that the war on Yemen was a Sunni-Shia war.

The Saudis tried to present the Syrian war as a religious and ethnic war, too.

A lot of efforts were made in the media and huge amounts of money were spent to make the different wars in the region look like sectarian and tribal conflicts.

All these attempts failed.

The Shias rejected this rationale.

Many Sunni scholars and Sunni figures rejected this rationale.

This has been one of the results of this policy pursued over the past 30 years. Relations between the Shias and Sunnis, the efforts of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as the positions held by Imam Khomeini (r.a.) and Ayatollah Khamenei created solid relationships in the Muslim World, so that the Islamic world was able to nullify the biggest sedition aimed at creating an internal war between Shias and Sunnis.

Naturally, we should continue this policy, although we have successfully passed this stage, and we have overcome many risks so far. I believe that the United States and Saudi Arabia suffered a tough defeat in their efforts for causing sedition in the region and thus failed to make Iraq's events seem like a Sunni-Shia battle.

We saw that Sunnis, Shias, Iraqi nomads—including Shias and Sunnis—all stood against ISIS, and prior to that, they had resisted the occupation by the United States.

In Syria, too, the people, including the Syrian army, the popular forces or the allied forces, who fought against ISIS, Al-Nusra Front and other terrorist groups were mostly Sunnis.

That is, those who fought in Syria were mostly Sunnis, fighting alongside Shias and members of other Islamic denominations. Therefore, based on what has happened so far in Yemen or other countries, I strongly believe that the division-provoking project has miscarried, which means that the Islamic Ummah has been largely spared of the risk of being afflicted with religious sectarian conflicts.

We should continue this strategy to strengthen this achievement.

Enhanced relations, cooperation, support of the Palestinian cause, resistance to the US and defense of the nations of the region can lead to increased unity and solidarity among Muslims. Sometimes, the adversaries of the Palestinian nation, the Islamic Revolution, and the Resistance movement propagate the idea that the people of Palestine are Sunnis.

They also attribute other characteristics to the Palestinian nation so that under the influence of the propaganda, the Iranian people become skeptical toward the Palestinians.

They try to create the ambiguity that ‘why should Iran support a Sunni nation?” But we have always seen that Ayatollah Khamenei has stressed and stresses that the Palestinian cause represents the most important matter of the Muslim world, and he has never adopted a Sunni-Shi’a perspective with regard to Palestine.

This position by the Leader has existed since the occupation of Palestine by the Zionists, and this is the position taken by all scholars, jurists (Faqihs) and religious authorities (marja’s) in Najaf and in the holy city of Qom and among all Shias of the world.

Even beyond this, our great scholars and marja’s, who are said to be traditionalists and not revolutionary—if it is appropriate to say this about them—support the Palestinian cause, accuse the usurper Israel and provide assistance to Palestine; all of them have issued written permissions to grant part of the religious donations and Imam's share to the Palestinian Resistance.

This is a great action.

You know that our marja’s are generally cautious about spending the Imam’s share, but they allow Imam’s share or some of it to be allocated to the Palestinian Resistance.

Now, who were the members of the Palestinian Resistance? The members of the Palestinian resistance are Sunnis, not Shias; many were not even Islamist, for example, they were inclined to nationalist or leftist parties.

Our marja’s did not include any prerequisite for assistance and authorized part of the Imam's share to the Palestinian Resistance so that Palestine would be liberated.

This means that there has been a great insight and awareness.   As for the question of Palestine, as Ayatollah Khamenei has pointed out on many occasions, if we search the whole world, looking for a matter that has remained intact, and its legitimacy is completely clear in terms of legal, religious, moral, and humane principles, it is the matter of Palestine.

The enemies are trying to distract us from the Palestinian cause, using all the tools at their disposition and various weapons.

This is an effort that has been made in previous years, i.e.

when they sent Palestinian suicide bombers to Shia areas to carry out terrorist operations.

That's why I said on Quds Day a few years ago: "Why do you send Palestinian people? Why do you hire them to kill our women and children? If you are seeking to distract us from the Palestinian cause, then kill us everywhere: by every door, in every mosque and hussayniyah.

We are the Shia of Amir al-Mu'minin, Imam Ali (a.s.), and we won’t let go of Palestine, the Palestinian nation and the holy institutions of the Islamic Ummah in Palestine." These efforts in theory and practice are known.

Undoubtedly, it is a matter of the Truth and Islam, so the Islamic Republic of Iran, we and all Muslims must take actions for this cause, based on their religious and divine duty.   Given the importance of this matter, I would like to ask two questions.

First, the general view of Ayatollah Khamenei is clear about the approximation [the policy of approximation of Islamic denominations], and he initiated a movement of approximation at the beginning of his term of leadership.

I would like to ask you to give some more concrete examples of his actions and views on the unity of Shia and Sunni and the approximation dialogue.

For example, it is indicated that he has announced as forbidden (haram) to disrespect Sunnis sanctities, and so on.

Secondly, some pretend that the issues that have occurred in different Islamic countries like Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, and Bahrain over the past years have been based on the disagreements between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and others have entered into conflict, on their behalf.

How much can this be true? As for the first part of the question, the formation of the "Congress on approximation of denominations", holding several conferences and gatherings in Iran, the special attention the Leader gave to these gatherings and his insistence on attending them and speaking to the audience and the Muslims of the world are some of his measures for promoting approximation.

We also constantly observed during the conferences on Islamic unity in Iran that the Leader presented himself among the Shia and Sunni scholars and met with them, ignoring all the security and non-security considerations.

The main reason for this attitude is his emphasis on the necessity of spreading the culture of unity among Islamic communities and Muslim scholars.

His Eminence endorsed gatherings that bring about unity among scholars.   We, in Lebanon, have the "gathering of Muslim scholars", which is one of the good and successful experiences for unifying the Islamic denominations.

A large number of Shia scholars and Sunni scholars are present at this Islamic gathering.

Whenever our brother organizers traveled to Iran for the gathering of Muslim scholars and met with the Leader, his Eminence praised the formation of such a gathering and emphasized the necessity of promoting it in other Islamic countries.

In recent years, he has taken some brave positions.

In these years, we have seen that many efforts were made aiming to disunite and divide Shias and Sunnis, and unfortunately, some Wahhabi and Takfiri movements, as well as some Sunni-attributed satellite channels such as Safa and Wesal, have tried to takfir (denote excommunication to) the Shia, attributing big lies to Shias.

They attributed certain beliefs to Shi’ism that the Shia do not hold at all. On the other side of the spectrum, some satellite channels are attributed to the Shia community, figures and groups that have nothing to do with Shi’ism, and none of the current notions, such as 'the Islamic Ummah', 'the global Arrogance', 'Autocracy and Tyranny', 'freedom', and 'defending sanctities' are important to them.

The only mission of these satellite channels is to divide Shias and Sunnis by using insulting words to criticize the opposite community.

That is what the Leader referred to as the "London-based Shiism". The type of activities of the satellite channels attributed to each community-- either Shia or Sunni-- shows that they are both conducted by one single force.

For instance, we see that some channels attributed to Shias use insulting words for certain wives of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) or his companions.

The Wahhabi channels then broadcast some of these cases.

This means that each of these channels plays a complementary role in arousing sedition and sectarian conflicts between Shias and the Sunnis.

Naturally, this had a dangerous impact on Muslims.

I have discussed it with some major Sunni scholars in Lebanon and other countries like Syria and Egypt, who similarly believe that this is very dangerous.

We believe that only one person can solve this problem and stand up to this wave.

Because it requires bravery and a high position so that a sovereign position can be taken for it, in other words, so that the sedition is completely defeated.   While meeting with the leader some years ago, I mentioned these issues and the names.

He also stated: "It is true; what is happening is very dangerous.

One of the worst things is insulting the prominent figures of the denominations, and we need to adopt a strong position with regard to this event."              I remember that some years ago the Leader traveled to the province of Kurdistan and had a speech in the city of Sanandaj.

In that meeting, he emphasized the fact that insulting Sunni figures was haram (forbidden).

Nevertheless, shortly after his speech, the so-called Shia satellite channels started disparaging Sayyida Ayesha, and accused her of things that the Shia had never mentioned before.

This was an event that could have caused big sedition in the countries of the Muslim World.   Afterward, some of the religious scholars addressed a letter to the Leader of the Revolution, asking an istifta' about the law applicable to insulting prominent figures of the Islamic denominations.

The Leader's response was so powerful and explicit that it had a significant impact on Arab and Islamic countries.

I assure you that the speech of the Leader in Sanandaj and then his assertive answer to the scholars' istifta [enquiry] about the actions of the channels attributed to the Shias and the Sunnis blocked the way to sedition and made futile the efforts of those who tried to arouse conflicts.

Moreover, by God's grace, at that time many honorable Marja's in Qom and in Najaf issued separate declarations, explicitly announcing that the real position of the Shia community is the same as what Ayatollah Khamenei had stated.   As an answer to the second part of the question, I should say, the interpretation that the transformations in the region is indeed a Saudi-Iranian conflict, is a mistake.

The conflict existed in the region even before the Islamic Republic was established; when the Soviet Union on one side and the United States of America and the West on the other side were in conflict.

In addition, before the establishment of the Islamic Republic in Iran, there existed Arab-Israeli conflicts in the region.

The Arab-Israeli conflict existed since 1948, before the victory of the Islamic Revolution.

Therefore, Saudi Arabia's problem with many countries of the region and many resistance groups in the region dates back to the time before the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran.

This is a well-known fact.

So when the Islamic Revolution became victorious in Iran, and the Pahlavi regime, as one of the best friends of the US, collapsed, the Islamic Republic was established in Iran and started supporting the Palestinian cause, the resistance groups and the underprivileged in the region.

From the very first moment, Saudi Arabia declared hostility to the Islamic Republic.

Of course, Imam Khomeini (r.a.) extended the hand of friendship to all Arab and Islamic countries from the very early days of the Revolution.

Despite this, since day one, Al Saud found that the existence of the Islamic Republic of Iran was a threat to the interests of the United States, Israel, the tyrannies and autocrats, as well as the mercenaries of Washington and Tel Aviv in the region.

For this reason, Saudi Arabia became an enemy of the Islamic Republic.   They say, when in the war against Iran, they sided with Saddam, they paid $200 billion to support Saddam.

At that time, however, oil was cheap.

I remember a few years ago, one of the Saudi princes, Nayef, said that if Saudi Arabia had been able to pay more money to Saddam at that time, it would have done so.

Therefore, Saudi Arabia was the initiator of hostility, war, and conspiracy against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Whereas, Iran had extended a hand of friendship to it.

Saudi Arabia's problem with Iran basically derived from the same reasons that had hampered Saudi Arabia's relations with other countries which supported the Resistance in Palestine and the region.

This is a fact.

There is no such thing as a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia in the region.   Regardless of the position of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Lebanon, Saudi Arabia always opposed the resistance groups even before the victory of the Islamic Revolution.

So our problem with Saudi Arabia is not related to the positions of Iran.

Saudi Arabia's opposition to Palestinian resistance throughout history also has nothing to do with Iran.

For example, when there was a great deal of hostility between Saudi Arabia and Gamal Abdel Nasser in Egypt, the Islamic Revolution in Iran had not been in place, yet.

Therefore, the controversy during the era before the establishment of the Islamic Republic has its own clear reasons.

When the Islamic Revolution of Iran became victorious and the Islamic Republic started attending to the affairs of the Islamic and Arab Ummah, then Saudi Arabia started showing enmity to Iran.

This is the reality.  At the end of the discussion on Saudi Arabia, I would like to point out that recently the Supreme Leader, referring to the fact that some are equipping Saudi Arabia with missiles and nuclear weapons, said “we are not upset, because soon this equipment will be at the disposition of the Islamic fighters”.

How do you evaluate this statement of the Leader? The ruling regime in Saudi Arabia is an old regime; very old and aged.

Perhaps this regime, for natural reasons, is going through its final era.

The Al Saud family has inflicted all kinds of oppression on others during the last 100 years and looted the property of their own nation.

Corruption is rooted in every part of this regime, and suppressing freedom in this country has reached its highest level.

In addition, the monopoly of power within the members of the Saudi family has peaked in the last 100 years.   But what will precipitate the end of this regime is the performance of its current officials, which is completely different in terms of both appearance and method of action, with that of the former officials of Saudi Arabia.

For example, the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman launched a war against Yemen, and now we see that he is committing horrible crimes in that country.

Undoubtedly, the adoption of such a decision, namely, the war on Yemen and committing crimes against civilians, will have a negative effect on the future of the Saudi regime.

On the other hand, Saudi Arabia's apparent interference in the affairs of various countries is among other factors that will affect the future of this regime.

For example, in the countries of the Arab world, we see that Saudi officials interfere in every country and try to show themselves as sided with the nations. In the past 40 years, we have seen that Saudi Arabia has tried to present itself as a friend of all countries and all nations, pretending to be a good state which helps others.

However, we hear for the first time that the slogan "Down with Al Saud" resonates in many Arab countries.

For the first time, we see that political and national groups, as well as governments, are openly opposed to Saudi Arabia's crimes and interference in Arab countries.

Saudi Arabia's involvement in countries such as Bahrain, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan can be seen.

Even in Libya, where there is a military conflict now, at least one of the parties involved says that Saudi Arabia and the Emirates are conspiring to destroy Tripoli and Libya.   Today, in many Arab and Islamic countries, many personalities as well as parties, movements, scholars, and governments abhor Saudi Arabia’s attitude and oppose it.

Add to this the Saudi stance on the question of Palestine, and in particular the so-called Deal of the Century.

Saudi Arabia’s humiliation, indignity, and disgrace before Trump will normally undermine Saudi rulers' dignity and power.

The Saudis have always shown themselves to be independent of others, to be honorable and to be servants of the Holy Shrines.

Trump’s recent trip to Saudi Arabia and what he says at celebrations today is worth considering.

Look at Trump’s recent remarks on Saudi Arabia.

"I called the king of Saudi Arabia and told him I love him," he says.

He says he told the king of Saudi Arabia: "You have a lot of money and we have paid a lot of money to support you.

You must pay for the support." He says he has gained a huge amount from Riyadh, much easier than earning $100 from a New York store.

Look at Saudi Arabia, its media, its officials; absolute silence! Even their friends in the world, their media in the world did not speak a word.

This is the ultimate humiliation.

Trump makes similar remarks to ridicule and humiliate Saudi Arabia.

The Americans laugh at the Saudis and ridicule them.   This is while if a person from the Muslim world made similar remarks about the Saudis, they would be furious. Definitely.

They might even cut off diplomatic relations with the leaders of that country and accuse them of disbelief [kufr] and sentence them to capital punishment! I cannot but say that Saudi Arabia has never experienced such humiliation, vanity, weakness, humiliation, and scandal in its history.

That's precisely why I think the current Saudi rulers will not stay in power for a long time.

Divine and historical traditions and the nature of affairs indicate that they cannot endure for long. To be continued... 

Original Article Source: The Official Site of Imam Khamenei (khamenei.ir) | Published on Wednesday, 25 September 2019 12:44 (about 1849 days ago)