
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei said the recent sparse riots in Iran were part of the enemy’s passive and amateurish plot in response to the great Iranian nation’s progress and major initiatives.

In a meeting with the newly-appointed members of the Expediency Council on Wednesday, Imam Khamenei pointed to the obvious role of the enemy in the recent riots in Iran, saying the adversaries made a passive and amateurish reaction by masterminding the riots, Tasnim news agency reported.

The enemies foment riots in the country after they were frustrated at the nation's progress despite all the pressures, the Leader said.

As long as the nation is on the path of the Islamic system and religious values, these enmities will continue to plot, Imam Khamenei said, stressing that Resistance is the only way to get over the hurdles.

His eminence further underscored that the recent events should not distract government officials from the main and basic tasks which are leading the country toward development.

Imam Khamenei underlined that the Expediency Council is a very important organ that can have a comprehensive look at the issues in the Islamic Republic, according to Mehr news agency.

Describing members of the Expediency Council as influential people, the Leader advised them to pay enough attention to these issues and neutralize the enemy's plots.

Imam Khamenei concluded his remarks by saying 'God's help will definitely be with us.'

Original Article Source: Al Manar | Published on Wednesday, 12 October 2022 12:45 (about 653 days ago)