
TEHRAN, April 21 (MNA) – The United States is set to impose sanctions on the Israel regiem's Netzah Yehuda Battalion, marking the first time Washington has taken such action against an Israeli military unit. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is expected to announce the sanctions in the coming days, targeting the battalion for human rights violations against Palestinians in the West Bank, i24news reports.

According to sources familiar with the matter, the sanctions will include a ban on the transfer of US military aid to the battalion and restrictions on its members' participation in training activities funded by the United States.

These measures are based on a 1997 law authored by former Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy, which prohibits US assistance to foreign security forces implicated in human rights abuses.

The decision to sanction the Netzah Yehuda Battalion follows investigations into incidents predating October 7, with Blinken citing credible evidence of misconduct.

While other Israeli military units and police faced similar probes, they have reportedly taken corrective action to address concerns, sparing them from sanctions.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the US initiative, denouncing it as absurd and morally bankrupt.

He pledged to vigorously oppose any sanctions imposed on the units.

Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir echoed Netanyahu's sentiments, labeling the sanctions as a red line that should not be crossed.

He called on War Minister Yoav Gallant to fully support the battalion and warned of potential repercussions if adequate backing was not provided.


Original Article Source: Mehr News | Published on Sunday, 21 April 2024 06:48 (about 97 days ago)