
TEHRAN, October 01 (MNA) – The Syrian army blocked the way of a US military convoy on the northeastern outskirts of al-Hasakah on Friday night and forced it to retreat.The US convoy, which consisted of armored vehicles, was trying to reach the Tell Brak region but was forced to retreat due to the resistance of the Syrian forces.

The Syrian troops have so far blocked the American troops so many times as the Syrian government considers the presence of US troops on its soil as an occupation.

On September 27th, the Syrian army troops blocked the way of US occupying forces in Hasakah and made them return to their bases.

The passing US military convoy was crossing the village of Qobour Al-Farajeneh in northern Hasaka Province near Tel Tamarin northeast Syria and the US occupying troops had to retreat.

The official Syrian SANA news agency said that the US convoy consisted of 5 vehicles.


Original Article Source: Mehr News | Published on Saturday, 01 October 2022 08:15 (about 665 days ago)