
By Staff, Agencies Not deviating a single inch from supporting the apartheid “Israeli” entity, the US has given “Tel Aviv” an $8.7 billion tranche of military aid, the majority of which will be used to top up the entity’s depleted air “defense’ stocks. The package includes $3.5 billion already received by “Israel” and set aside for “critical acquisitions,” and $5.2 billion for the Iron Dome missile system, David’s Sling surface-to-air missile system, and a “high-powered laser system currently in its later stages of development,” the “Israeli” ministry’s statement read.

The announcement came after the director general of the “Israeli” War MInistry, Eyal Zamir, met with US Under War Secretary for Policy Amanda Dory at the Pentagon earlier on Thursday.

The Pentagon acknowledged the meeting but did not mention any discussion of military aid.

Funding for the package likely came from a $95 billion foreign aid bill signed by US President Joe Biden in April.

The bill allocated $14.5 billion for “Israel” on top of the roughly $3 billion in annual military aid that the US already gives to the Jewish entity.

Last month, the US State Department announced that $3.5 billion of this  $14.5 billion war chest had been given to Israel to spend on US-made weapons.

This is presumably the same $3.5 billion mentioned in the “Israeli” War Ministry’s statement.


Original Article Source: Al Ahed News | Published on Friday, 27 September 2024 07:15 (about 112 days ago)