
By Staff, Agencies Jewish Voice for Peace, which organized the protest, stated, "In Gaza, the horrors are funded in our names." A US Jewish peace group confirmed that Capitol police arrested hundreds of activists protesting Washington’s military support for “Israel” in a congressional office building amid ongoing Gaza war.

Demonstrators gathered at Cannon House Office Building to demand an end to weapons transfers to “Israel”, chanting slogans and carrying banners promoting "ceasefire now" and "let Gaza live." Protesters wore red Tshirts with the phrases "not in our name" and "Jews say stop arming ‘Israel’." The “Jewish Voice for Peace”, which organized the protest, stated, “In Gaza, the horrors are funded in our names.” Tuesday’s demonstration came a day before “Israeli” prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to deliver a speech to Congress.

Protests are planned to coincide with Bibi’s US visit, where he will meet with top American officials such as US current President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

The activist group further mentioned that 400 people took part in the demonstration, adding that the protesters were arrested after the US Capitol Police started a crackdown and broke up the rally

Original Article Source: Al Ahed News | Published on Wednesday, 24 July 2024 11:55 (about 45 days ago)