
Your Eminence, Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, our beloved leader, For years, it has been our deepest honor at Al-Manar English Website to translate your speeches.

It was not just a duty but a privilege, as we shared your words with the world.

We were humbled to bring your guidance to those who sought your wisdom, across lands and languages.

Each speech carried with it a weight that we could never fully capture in translation, for your words were filled with a depth and grace beyond any language.

Forgive us, Sayyed, if we ever fell short.

We labored with utmost care to reflect the true essence of your thoughts, yet we know that no translation could ever truly embody the power of your words.

Your eloquence transcended every boundary we tried to cross.

We searched dictionaries, deliberated among ourselves, and strove to find the perfect words, yet we were always conscious of the greatness that our efforts could not fully convey.

Your words were not just spoken—they were lived, and they breathed life into your beloved ones’ hearts.

This past Saturday, as the news of your martyrdom echoed across the land, our hearts shattered.

The followers of the resistance felt the weight of Karbala in every tear.

Was it possible? Could our leader, who stood with such strength and conviction, truly be gone? The vile enemy gloated, but we could not comprehend a world without you, Sayyed.

How do we write these words when our hands tremble with grief? How do we address you now, knowing that you have joined the ranks of the martyrs? Reporting the breaking news of your martyrdom was our hardest task ever.

Our fingers were quivering while typing the tragic words.

We seek shelter beneath the cloak of Zainab (peace be upon her), for she too faced a grief that words could not describe.

We pray, as she did, that God accepts this immense sacrifice.

Today, the resistance faces its greatest test: “If only we were with you, so we could win a great victory.” In our mourning, we recall the final words of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) as he spoke to Zainab: “Do not tear your clothes for me, do not slap your cheeks.

Protect the children for me.” And so we, too, must stand firm.

We are called to endure this test with the strength of those who came before us, and in their example, we find our courage.

From the hilltops of Zainabi, the Islamic Resistance looks to the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (peace be upon him), and hears his command: “Hold fast.

Stand firm.

Look to the farthest reaches.” The truth is, Sayyed, this is the harshest battle we have faced.

Not one fought with weapons, but one that tears at the very core of our being.

No words can console us.

No voice can calm the pain we feel.

But let there be no doubt: Hezbollah's grief does not come from weakness or fear.

We are not shaken.

The answer to those who question will be found not in words, but in action—on the front lines, where your spirit continues to guide us.

A leader like you, Sayyed, never wavered.

From the beginning, you knew the cost of this path.

You knew the sacrifices it would demand, but you were never afraid.

What weighed on your heart was not the risk to yourself, but the lives of your comrades, the people who believed in you and followed your leadership with unwavering trust.

Every decision you made was for us, and we can only imagine the burden you carried.

And yet, through it all, you found solace in your faith, in your deep connection to God, and in the wisdom of those who guided you, like the Supreme Leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei, who you once turned to in times of overwhelming pressure, and whom we turn to despite all the deceitful schemes against the resistance axis.

Sayyed, your martyrdom is a wound that no victory can heal.

The resistance could burn “Israel” to the ground, and still, the loss of you is a grief beyond measure.

Yet, as you told us: 'The news is in what you see, not in what you hear.' The struggle continues, and so too does your legacy.

You once said that if we were to die a thousand deaths, we would never leave the side of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him).

Now, we face this reality with broken hearts, but with our heads held high.

You have been martyred, just as Sayyed Abbas al-Moussawi was before you.

Your legacy now carries on, burning brightly in the hearts of those who walked with you on this path.

In your absence, we at Al-Manar English Website pledge to continue the work you inspired.

We shall endure.

We will keep spreading your message, translating the resistance words, carrying the light you kindled for us all.

We once took pride in every speech you gave, in every stance you took.

Now, that pride is mixed with sorrow, but it is also strengthened by our resolve.

You were not just our leader, Sayyed.

You were our guide, our teacher, our inspiration.

Your blood now flows in the hands of the faithful, who will raise it to the sky and ask: 'Are you satisfied, O Lord?' We will not rest until we fulfill our duty, until your sacrifice is victorious, until your memory and legacy are honored in full.

Sayyed, you are our leader.

You are the heart of our resistance.

And we, the Al-Manar English team, will continue to serve you with all that we have.

We will spread your word, and we will remain true to the path you have set before us.

With love, loyalty, and eternal gratitude, The Al-Manar English Website Team

Original Article Source: Al Manar | Published on Sunday, 29 September 2024 21:53 (about 22 days ago)