
The former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak called on the opposition leader Yair Lapid and the ex-defense minister Benny Gantz to shun any communication with PM Benjamin Netanyahu, considering that the judicial reform postponement is maneuver aimed at facing the mounting protests across the occupation entity.

Netanyahu had announced on Monday the postponement of the judicial reform legislation to the next Knesset term in summer.

Former Mossad Chief Tamir Pardo indicated that the current government has torn 'Israel' down, calling on Netanyahu to resign and all the Israelis to protest against the judicial amendments.

Meanwhile, Zionist circles considered that the crisis in the occupation entity is structural and far beyond the judicial overhaul.

Yari Etenger, a political analyst, said that the dispute is not limited to the judicial amendments, adding that it's a major social phenomenon

Original Article Source: Al Manar | Published on Tuesday, 28 March 2023 15:59 (about 486 days ago)